have one big packet of fish floss, which is brought all the way long from Singapore by my
hubby. It tastes just nice, not too salty and not too sweet. Today,
I try to follow Jane's recipe for making a soft bun with content of this fish
is my 2nd time to make buns. You can say I am still an amateur and
do not know how to knead a good dough. So, I try to have simple buns, not so
fancy with mayonnaise around and not garnished by the egg yolk.
making method adapted from Jane’s corner.
am lazy to translate it into English version. So, you have to bear with me by
reading the text in Mandarin. :D
Baking Temperature: 180C
Baking Duration: 12-15 minutes
Yield: 9 Buns
- 在250g水中,加入高筋面粉50g, 搅拌均匀。
- 放到瓦斯卢上加热, 需不断搅拌, 防锅底烧焦。
- 面糊加热至65度离火(面糊在搅拌时, 会有纹路出现的状态)。
- 在面糊表面贴上一层保鲜膜, 降温后使用或放入冰箱隔天取出使用。*多出的汤种可以收入冰箱内,保存数天。
- A: 210克高筋面粉,60克普通面粉, 20克奶粉,30克细糖,1/4小匙盐,6克即溶酵母
- B: 60克全蛋,80克水,75克汤种
- C: 25克无盐奶油 (如果用有鹽奶油,就不需要放1/4小匙鹽)
- 把A和B的材料倒入搅拌盆中, 使用搅拌器先慢速搅拌。
- 搅拌均匀后, 转成中速继续搅拌。
- 搅拌成团及有筋性时, 才加入C, 用慢速搅拌, 再转中速。搅拌至可拉开薄膜的阶段。
- 取出面团, 放入已经抹油的大碗中, 让它发酵成双倍大(約1小時)。
- 把面团取出, 排气, 将面团分成12份, 每份约30克, 滚圆, 松弛15分钟。
- 把小面团擀成圆形, 包入魚肉絲, 捏紧收口。
- 进行最后发酵約30分鐘。
- 面团发酵完毕, 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤12-15分钟。
hmm... I should have put more fish floss instead
one big and one small for my kid's tomorrow nursery class
Wah.... Looks perfect ler :) can I try 1 plz.....
ReplyDeleteTmr bring for you to try
ReplyDelete:) yummy... thanks. Muak Muak