Sunday, 26 February 2012

Passion Fruit Cake

Fresh passion fruit is high in beta carotene, potassium and dietary fiber. Passion fruit juice is a good source of Vitamin C and good for people who have high blood pressure. It is a good start to give it a try on a cake.

I bought the passion fruits from night market at RM10 per packet and only used 4 passion fruits for 80ml fresh juice.

Well, since this is my first time to use combination of passion fruit juice and dried apricot, some of my mini cakes got burn on the apricot surface as I put the apricot as topping of the cake batter. I should not use 180C for baking this cake. It might be reduced to 170C.

Anyway, the taste still good and the burn did not spoil my cake. I can smell the fresh passion fruit fragrant from my oven. If you like to eat a fresh fragrant cake, you should give it a try!

Recipe adapted from 孟老師的100 道小蛋糕.

Baking Duration: 20-25 minutes
Baking Temperature: Upper heat 180C, lower heat 160C 
(My oven does not have upper and lower temperatures, so I use 180C. Suggest you change it to 170C as I burnt my apricot when I use 180C).
Yield: 12 mini cakes


150g     Dried Apricots   
60g       Unsalted Butter
70g       Icing Sugar
180g     Egg
80g       Pure Passion Fruit Juice (I use only 80ml)
50g       Superfine Flour
1/2tsp   Baking Powder
120g     Ground Almond

(1)   Cut dried apricots into thin slices. Melt the butter in double boil method. Set aside.
(2)   In a mixing bowl, beat together icing sugar and egg until light and fluffy. Then, add in passion fruit juice and beat until well mixed.
(3)   Sift in superfine flour and baking powder, followed by ground almond and melted butter. Fold the mixture well.
(4)   Pour the mixture into small cup. Top with sliced dried apricots.
(5)   Bake in preheated oven at upper heat 180C, lower heat 160C for 20-25 minutes. (If the oven is using only one temperature, the temperature will be around 165-170C). 

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Fish Floss Buns

I have one big packet of fish floss, which is brought all the way long from Singapore by my hubby. It tastes just nice, not too salty and not too sweet. Today, I try to follow Jane's recipe for making a soft bun with content of this fish floss.

This is my 2nd time to make buns. You can say I am still an amateur and do not know how to knead a good dough. So, I try to have simple buns, not so fancy with mayonnaise around and not garnished by the egg yolk.

Bun making method adapted from Jane’s corner.

I am lazy to translate it into English version. So, you have to bear with me by reading the text in Mandarin. :D

Baking Temperature: 180C
Baking Duration: 12-15 minutes
Yield: 9 Buns

  1. 250g水中,加入高筋面粉50g, 搅拌均匀。
  2. 放到瓦斯卢上加热, 需不断搅拌, 防锅底烧焦。
  3. 面糊加热至65度离火(面糊在搅拌时, 会有纹路出现的状态)。
  4. 在面糊表面贴上一层保鲜膜, 降温后使用或放入冰箱隔天取出使用。*多出的汤种可以收入冰箱内,保存数天。

  • A: 210克高筋面粉,60克普通面粉, 20克奶粉,30克细糖,1/4小匙盐,6克即溶酵母
  • B: 60克全蛋,80克水,75克汤种
  • C: 25克无盐奶油 (如果用有鹽奶油,就不需要放1/4小匙鹽)
  1. 把A和B的材料倒入搅拌盆中, 使用搅拌器先慢速搅拌。
  2. 搅拌均匀后,  转成中速继续搅拌。
  3. 搅拌成团及有筋性时, 才加入C, 用慢速搅拌, 再转中速。搅拌至可拉开薄膜的阶段。
  4. 取出面团, 放入已经抹油的大碗中,  让它发酵成双倍大(約1小時)。
  5. 把面团取出, 排气, 将面团分成12份, 每份约30克, 滚圆,  松弛15分钟。
  6. 把小面团擀成圆形, 包入魚肉絲, 捏紧收口。
  7. 进行最后发酵約30分鐘。
  8. 面团发酵完毕, 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤12-15分钟。   
hmm... I should have put more fish floss instead

one big and one small for my kid's tomorrow nursery class

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Apple Muffins

I have promised a friend to bake apple muffins. I was searching a good and easy recipe to prepare it. I try my luck with the recipe from a book called "Something Sweet". The muffin is just like the book title ~ sweet!  

As a conclusion, the taste is not so nice and I could still find the cinnamon "fragrant" in my mouth after I have eaten the muffin 5 minutes ago. 

Baking Time: 25 - 30 minutes
Baking Temperature: 180C
Yield: 24 small muffins / 12 big muffins

250g    Superfine Flour
150g    Castor Sugar
1tbsp    Baking Powder
1tsp      Ground Cinnamon
110ml   Sunflower Oil
2        Eggs
175ml   Milk
1        Apple, peeled and diced (should put more instead)

(1)   Preheat the oven to 180C.
(2)   Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon powder into a mixing bowl.
(3)   Mix together the oil, eggs and milk until combined. Stir into the dry ingredients until only just combined but still lumpy.
(4)   Gently fold in the apple.
(5)   Spoon into the paper cups and bake for 25-30 minutes until golden and risen. 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Phoenix Kueh (Honey Comb Cake)

When I was a kid, I liked to eat Phoenix Kueh (a.k.a honey comb cake). Every year during Chinese New Year, my mom would buy me this cake from the wet market. The traditional aroma is still fresh in my mind.

I try to bake this cake today. However, the outlook is not as beautiful as I expected. I might have over-stirred the egg mixture which has caused it did not raise as high as it could.

Baking Time: 45 – 50 minutes
Oven Temperature: 180C
Mould: 9”


250g    Sugar
225ml   Warm Water
90g      Butter
65ml     Condensed Milk (should be reduced to 50ml)
6          Eggs
160g    Superfine Flour
1tsp      Sodium Bicarbonate
1/4tsp   Vanilla Essence
1tsp      Cocoa Powder (dissolved in 10ml warm water)

(1)   In a stainless steel saucepan, stir fry sugar until golden brown, then pour in water to cook become thick syrup. Leave cool.
(2)   In a clean bowl, beat butter and add in condensed milk gradually. Beat till well combined.
(3)   In another clean bowl, whisk eggs until light and fluffy.
(4)   Fold in sifted superfine flour and sodium bicarbonate into thick syrup. Add in vanilla essence and cocoa mixture. Mix well.
(5)   Fold in butter mixture and egg mixture. Mix well.
(6)   Pour the batter into cake mould.
(7)   Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 45 – 50 minutes.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Mini Sponge Cake

I'm back! I have been 5 weeks never touch my blog. Long vacation just gave me enough rest and more time spent with my little girl till I have forgotten my little corner. ^^

I made some mini sponge cakes for my girl where the recipe adapted from 美味糕點新主張 - 妃娟.

Baking Time: 20 minutes
Baking Temperature: 180C
Yield: 24 small cupcakes / 12 big cupcakes


35g  Fresh Milk
45g  Butter

90g  Egg Yolk
20g  Castor Sugar

120g Egg White
60g   Castor Sugar

90g  Superfine Flour

(1)   Pour ingredients (A) into a mixing bowl, and double boil it till well mixed.
(2)   Pour ingredients (B) into another clean mixing bowl, and double boil till 40-42C. Whisk ingredients (B) till light and fluffy.
(3)   In another clean mixing bowl, whisk egg whites and adding castor sugar gradually. Whisk till soft peaks form.
(4)   Fold egg yolk mixture into egg white mixture evenly.
(5)   Sift in superfine flour gradually and fold till well mixed.
(6)   Pour some of the flour mixture into butter mixture till well combined.
(7)   Fold in the mixture from step (6) into the leftover flour mixture. Mix well.
(8)   Scope the batter into the cups.
(9)   Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

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